Argh! For the last five years or so there's been this whole 'diva on a dime' movement and with the recent recession we've been introduced to the term 'frugal fashionista' my question becomes, where does frugality fit into my fashion plan? In my youth, before I realized that I might actually live long enough to retire, I was a bit more 'flossy.' This term can be loosely interpreted as overtly gaudy. I'd sport monogrammed Louis Vuitton backpacks and scarves. Adidas shell toes, very obvious Prada footwear with the tell tale red/orange stripe down the middle of the sole...some of these things I paid for, some others paid for, but let's be clear, none of these things were what would be considered affordable. As I've gotten older, my taste for quality and fashion haven't changed, my desire to advertise it has though. I now choose well constructed pieces that advertise themselves (I'm okay with leaving the monograms for the youngsters) it's just that now, with a fiscal conscience, I can't well justify spending $700 on a pair of boots or *GASP* $1200 on a handbag...maybe some day, not least that's what I tell myself in my right mind.
My fashion mind, though, wants fabulous things so I try to appease her by acquiring quality accessories to spruce up my mostly Levi's and Target wardrobe, it's just that occasionally, I'd like a pair of boots or two, a pair of shoes or a lovely handbag or a necklace or some earrings or something that wasn't on a killer sale. Why do I have to feel guilty? Don't I deserve nice things? As a graduate student friend of mine says 'We do the Lord's work,' shouldn't I be allowed to reward myself with nice things? I guess not.
For now I'll keep a close eye on my pocketbook. Despite the fact my that my husband and I footed the cost of a large part of our wedding, my credit card debt is shrinking! I like that. Do I like it as much as a pair of new shoes? That's the problem, I like it more, and I guess that as long as I like being close to financial solvency more than I like 'things,' I'll go without.