Taking my inspiration from Maggie Mason at Mighty Girl, with no further ado, my Life List*:
- Drink Absinthe, the right way
- Travel to Morocco
- Travel to Africa (other than Morocco&Egypt)
- Travel to Egypt
- Travel to Argentina
- Travel to Cuba
- Send Mom to Hawaii
- Live abroad for at least three months
- have at least one squishy baby
- take the hill on the bike path at UCSC again
- settle in a place where the seasons are less pronounced
- Travel to Israel
- Take a road trip across the U.S.
- Take a road trip punctuated by East Coast diners (especially oceanside ones)
- Start a business
- fund a scholarship
- finish my PhD
- Write a book
- Take a photography class
- Have enough
- Take a fabulous vacation with my BFFs
- Take my mom on a spa holiday to Calistoga
- Take my mom wine tasting in Napa
Have a wedding/commitment ceremony in a public park at dusk10.24.2009- Take Mom, Aunt Billye and Granny to Dinner in 2010, the banner year and raise a fabulous toast to the matriarchs
- Travel to India
- Travel to Iceland
- Run a Marathon
Obliterate my credit card debt5/2010- Build a stock portfolio
Learn European knittingYay!! 8/2008- visit Brazil
- Have a flower garden
- Skinny dip in warm tropical waters
Have business cards made with the text 'Cocktail Enthusiast'3/2010- Pay down student loan debt by half before I graduate
- Throw a party to meet my neighbors
- Do fun things that make me happy (ongoing)
- Spend more time creating things in my creative space and less time wondering what I'd be watching if I had a TV
learn to sew- learn an aerial dance
- learn to make croissants
- vacation in the French countryside
knit/crochet a blanket2/2011- compile a book of family favorite recipes
- get my Etsy business spinning
- Visit Indonesia
- Be a tourist in Boston
- Be more photodocumentary
- Learn to can/preserve produce well
- Go back to camp in Tahiti
- Throw impromptu summer and autumn dinner parties
- Get back to piano lessons (probably after graduate school)
- Continue to throw Ashkenaz Spice Fabulous Birthday Parties
- 2008-- BBQ and Bowling Surprise Party with Birthday Pie
- 2009-- Kickball Classic
- 2010--Birthday Beer Dinner for Men
- 2011--
- Embrace my friends
- Grow a larger social circle
- 52 Cheeses in 52 weeks!
- chevre
- taleggio
- cheddar
- oma
- blue cheese
- parmigiano reggiano
- shy brothers hannahbells--which are FABULOUSLY DELICIOUS!!! and deserving of their own blog post coming soon
- lavender
- shallot
- St. Agur Blue
- Triple Cream Goat Brie
- Ewe's Blue
- Midnight Moon
- fig burrata
- mozzarella
- gouda
- colby
- ricotta
- paneer
- panquehue
- boucheron
- raschera
- summer snow, soft like camembert--Woodcock Farm
- Lake's Edge, blue--Blue Ledge Farm
- Brillo di Treviso
- Bayley Hazen Blue--Jasper Hill Farm
- Minolette...it's conditioned by cheese mites. not sure how to feel about this
- Organize a girly retreat in the Vermont or NorCal woods
- High Tea at the Russian Tea Room
- Visit the Musée Dupuytren whilst on a leisurely trip to Paris
- Accupuncture for my trick wrist
- Write at least one first author paper
- Go whale watching
- Eat like a Pilgrim
- Make a paper garland
- Make a picnic blanket and gift it in a picnic basket!
- Start a handwriting journal! (added: 11/2012)
*This list is in no way exhaustive.